Re: What formula will return the text in the field that is not blank?
Hey Lori! Try: =IF([Primary Program-A]@row<> "", [Primary Program-A]@row, [Primary Program-B]@row) Checks to see if column A is blank, if it's NOT blank, it takes the data in column A…1 · -
Re: Check Boxes with Parent / Child Rows
Assuming you want to be able to check & uncheck that parent checkbox at will, I would do the following: 1.)Create a helper column with a formula which tells if each row is a parent or a child, an…1 · -
Re: How do I automatically pull a value from a cell in one sheet into another sheet?
@E. Cooper Moore I would just set up an automatic workflow so that when a row is added in the first sheet - it automatically gets copied to the second sheet - I did this worklow: When rows are added,…1 ·